Stop Trump’s coup: 5 things you can do
Donald Trump is trying to steal the US election. He has declared that the results are a “fraud”, lied that he is the real winner, and now is trying to get the supreme court to stop the ballot counts.
Here are five things you can do now from the UK, in solidarity with everyone working to stop Trump.
1. Come to our rally this evening
We have organised a meeting with UK and US speakers to talk about what happens next, and what we can do to support people in the US trying to stop Trump’s coup.
2. Write to your MP: the UK government must condemn Trump
Dominic Raab this morning refused to say Trump was wrong to claim victory in the election. We must demand that the UK government stands up for democracy by calling out Trump’s lies.
3. Sign the petition for the UK to call for every vote to be counted
“We, the undersigned, ask the Foreign Secretary to immediately issue a statement condemning Trump’s attempts to cast doubt on the validity of the U.S. election results.”
4. Support US grassroots groups defending democracy
US activists saw this coming. Protect the Results, a coalition of more than 100 grassroots groups, is organising to make sure every vote is counted. They plan to mobilise mass protests.
5. Make a donation to Stop Trump Coalition
This battle is only just beginning – the contestation of the election results is going to last for weeks. Chip in to help us step up our solidarity efforts.