Public meeting: Is Fascism on the Rise?
16th May, Tuesday, 7pm, Bussey Building, 133 Rye Lane, SE15 4ST
There’s a rising tide of bigotry and hatred across the world.
Le Pen is a serious presidential contender in France. Geert Wilders’ islamophobic Freedom Party has pulled Dutch politics to the right. In Austria last year, the hard right Norbert Hofer narrowly missed becoming president. Donald Trump has become leader of the free world.
In a few weeks we have a general election. Those who led the Leave campaign will do everything they can to push for an extreme Brexit with all the racism and islamophobia that it entails. Theresa May has stolen UKIP’s clothes.
How do we make sense of all this?
The word fascism gets bandied about. Is it just casual abuse? Or is this really what is happening around the world? What is fascism?
Join us at the vibrant Bussey Building for a participatory discussion on these issues. We have a formidable line up of speakers:
Antonia Bright – Campaigner for Movement for Justice
Ash Sarkar – Journalist for Novara Media
Richard Seymour – Author (‘Against Austerity’ and ‘Corbyn’)
Neil Faulkner – Archeologist and author (‘Creeping Fascism’)
Most importantly, let’s discuss how we reverse this tide of hate and transform society from the bottom up. There will be plenty of time to meet Stop Trump campaigners and find out how to get involved.