Logistics update – Together Against Trump protest secures PA on eve of demonstration
Contrary to previous police instructions it has now been agreed that there will be a full PA system in place at the start of the Together Against Trump demonstration which is gathering tomorrow at the BBC in Portland Place at 2pm.
This decision is a direct result of a storm of protest on social media, by phone, in the media and in parliament against the original decision to refuse any stage or PA at the start of the protest.
The organisers have sent a message of thanks to supporters:
‘We would like to thank everyone who protested in the last 24 hours against the unprecedented decision by the Metropolitan police to deny our speakers access to a stage or a PA system at the gathering point of what promises to be a historic march tomorrow. Thanks too to the lawyers at ITN solicitors. Once again you have shown that protest works. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow’
Together Against Trump organisers