Campaigners plan “march of millions” for Trump visit

• Reuters report Trump to visit UK in July
• Organisers make link to Windrush scandal and say protest will challenge May’s “hostile environment”

An unprecedented coalition of anti-Trump campaigns has pledged to organise what could be a “march of millions” to coincide with Donald Trump’s visit to the UK. Campaigners hope to capitalise on widespread opposition to Trump. 4% of the population – or around 2 million people have said that they would “definitely” take part in protests against the visit.

The Stop Trump Coalition is a network of grassroots campaigns, unions, NGOs and politicians initiated by journalist Owen Jones in February 2017. Stand Up to Trump includes a range of campaigns against war, austerity and racism, as well as public figures who have pledged to mobilise against a Trump visit.

Both organisations have come together for a one-off national demonstration under the banner of “Together Against Trump”.

A mobilising network for the demonstration – with local contact points in every part of the country – will spring into action as soon as a date is announced, organising local actions and coaches to London.

Shaista Aziz, from the Stop Trump Coalition, said: “Donald Trump and Theresa May are running scared of protest. Last year. hundreds of thousands took to the streets at barely a day’s notice in disgust at Trump’s Muslim Ban. If Trump actually comes to London, we could be looking at a march of millions. This won’t just be a movement against the President’s visit – it will become a movement against racism, anti-migrant bigotry, sexism, transphobia and far right politics in the UK”

“The Windrush scandal has shown this isn’t just about Trump. It’s also about Tory Britain. Our protest is an opportunity for millions to say, ‘enough is enough’.”

Maz Saleem, from Stand Up to Trump, said: “Donald Trump is an open racist and sexist, a volatile and dangerous character who seems set on taking the West into further wars. Together we will put on a massive united show of opposition to him if Theresa May goes ahead with plans for a visit.”