Anti-Trump campaigners to mobilise for London protest on October 24th
- Stop Trump coalition and others to mobilise protest in London on October 24th against “one of the most racist and toxic Presidents in American history”
- Protest will take place as part of a nationwide day of action against the proposed US trade deal
- Parliament Square protest will be socially distanced and comply with Covid laws
The Stop Trump Coalition – which organised hundreds of thousands-strong protests against the Muslim Ban and the state visit – is set to mobilise for a protest on Saturday 24th October in Parliament Square, alongside a coalition of other groups. The ‘Stop Trump, Stop the Trade Deal’ protest will take place just ten days before the US Presidential election. It will be a focus for everyone who wants to show their disgust at the Trump administration, and to make a stand against the rise of Trumpism and right wing populism here in the UK – including by Boris Johnson’s Tory Party.
The protest is part of a nationwide day of action against a proposed US trade deal, which is being organised by Global Justice Now, War on Want, Keep Our NHS Public, Traidcraft, We Own It, Open Rights Group, SumOfUs, Stop Trump and Another Europe is Possible. The day will also include local actions across the country and a virtual online rally with speakers including Emily Thornberry and Jay Rayner.
The trade deal could lead to the NHS being opened up permanently to American healthcare companies; chlorinated chicken and lower food standards; forced deregulation of the UK’s environmental laws, workers’ rights and rights to data privacy; and new rules that make it impossible to take effective action on the climate crisis.
The UK government is pressing ahead with trade talks with the US ahead of the presidential election on November 3rd, and there is substantial concern that Donald Trump will rush to do a deal with his ally Boris Johnson. However, campaigners are keen to highlight the fact that regardless of who wins the election, a US trade deal is still on the table and will still pose grave dangers for rights, services, standards and the climate.
The protest will be organised in line with the current Coronavirus restrictions, and organisers have undertaken to revisit arrangements and safeguards should these rules change.
Shaista Aziz, from the Stop Trump Coalition, said:
“Donald Trump has been one the most racist and toxic Presidents in American history. Since 2016, we have witnessed the Muslim ban, the brutal repression of Black Lives Matter protests, allegations of sexual harassment, the torture of migrants, climate change denial and a string of outrageous policies and statements on women, trans people and other minorities.”
Alena Ivanova, also an activist with Stop Trump, said:
“Trumpism is here in the UK too, where right wing nationalism and populism is on the rise and in government. Boris Johnson is also attacking the rights of migrants and minorities, and is trying to bring us even closer to Trump’s America with a trade deal that would massively deregulate our economy. Ten days before the election, we will mobilise a show of defiance against Trumpism everywhere.”
Nick Dearden, Director of Global Justice Now, said:
“Boris Johnson and the Trump administration are rushing to negotiate a trade deal, and unless we kick up a fuss, it will be a disaster for our rights, services, standards and the environment. They have already made it clear that everything is on the table, including opening up the NHS permanently to American healthcare companies. A trade deal with the US will almost certainly mean that we get chlorinated chicken and much lower food standards, and could well mean that we lose vital rights at work and environmental protections. There is no public support for these changes, but the government is hoping to do it anyway while no one is looking.
“Regardless of who wins the presidential election, the dangers are grave. We are talking about a race to the bottom – an unprecedented attempt to deregulate the UK in line with the American economic model. While we don’t want to protest at the current time, the Government is insisting on rushing this deal through with minimum scrutiny, and in spite of the fact that their focus should be on halting the spread of coronavirus. We have no choice but to resist this imminent danger.”
1. For more information please email
2. ‘Stop Trump, Stop the Trade Deal’ will meet at 12 noon in Parliament Square on Saturday 24th October.
3. The protest and the nationwide day of action are organised by Global Justice Now, War on Want, Traidcraft, Keep Our NHS Public, We Own It, Open Rights Group, SumOfUs, Stop Trump and Another Europe is Possible